Product Vision 2020

BY Helene Sanchez on November 16, 2020

In this ProductTank London talk, Paavan Buddhdev – previously Product Designer at AND Digital and now Founder of Sound Off – discusses the concept of product vision through design lens. Here are the key areas discussed: Vision: a prerequisite to strategy Properties of a vision statement How do we get there: Hills and Storytelling framework Conclusions: an Read more »

Build What Matters by Rajesh Nerlikar and Ben Foster: Get Chapters 1-2 Free

BY Rajesh Nerlikar on September 24, 2020

In their new book, Build What Matters (£26.99), Rajesh Nerlikar and Ben Foster introduce you to their methodology for becoming a product-driven company. Through their tested strategies, stories of personal success, and case studies from their product advisory clients at Prodify, you’ll learn how Vision-Led Product Management helps you achieve company objectives by meeting both current and Read more »

Taylor Wescoatt - Being the First Product Manager

BY Chris Massey on August 3, 2017

In working at Seedcamp and helping over 100 startups understand product thinking, Taylor Wescoatt has learned some valuable lessons he’d like to share, together with some real-world examples to drive the point home! Being the first product manager at a startup typically means being the 10th or 15th employee, and recognizing that – although product Read more »

Inspiring teams with product vision

BY Chris Massey on January 18, 2017

In this in-depth and inspiring talk, Keela Robison, Founder and CEO PM Loop, unpacks what vision is, why it matters and how to find it. Crucially, she demonstrates how to communicate and reinforce vision to your team by sharing an incredible 30 practical strategies for meaningfully tying your vision to all that you do. Spoiler Read more »

What would you do as a Product Manager on Google+?

BY Sam Collins on January 13, 2012

My real gripe with the Product Vision behind Google+ is… it doesn’t appear to have one. Forget the criticisms of Google+ tactics – instead let’s take a look at their strategy and get constructive. In order to make this worthwhile, we first have to reverse engineer what the goal of Google+ might be. I don’t Read more »