Keeping up to speed with the latest product skills and industry trends can be overwhelming for a busy product person like you – but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
Our coveted Keynote talks at #mtpcon London are always the most sought after for product people who want to learn the latest in product from industry leaders. We’ve made it even easier for you to digest all that product learning goodness with our #mtpcon Keynote Kit.
Sign up for free today and you’ll get:
Our invaluable Keynote Kit is designed to challenge the way you think and to help you make effective improvements to your role, team, and product.
What we get wrong about technology
ViewLessons learned from scaling Wise
ViewEmbracing a dual-track career ladder in product
ViewHow to F.A.I.L. better in product
ViewTaming your product gremlins
ViewHow to keep your head about generative AI
ViewGetting aligned with your exec team
ViewProduct & research team collaboration
ViewHeroes and villians in the product world
ViewOur exciting Keynote Kit brings you all of the insights from our #mtpcon London 2023 keynote talks, plus additional helpful discussion points and thoughts starters so you can easily translate the insights into actions – perfect for making effective improvements to your role, team, and product.
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Thanks for signing up for the #mtpcon London 2023 Keynote Kit. You are in for a treat!
You’ll find all of the talks and additional resources right here.