Mobile Second: When Desktop is the Right Platform to Focus on First

BY Paul Shustak on September 12, 2018

In 2010 Google announced it would prioritize mobile ahead of desktop when developing new products. As we all know, there’s been a massive shift toward mobile-first product design since then. Conventional wisdom now tells us that it’s almost always best to start with mobile, because the success of your business ultimately depends on its ability Read more »

Data-Driven Mobile App Iteration: Seeing the Wood From the Trees

BY Hannah Levenson on October 11, 2017

Imagine a lumberjack wanting to cut down a tree with his chainsaw. It’s a pretty simple, straightforward task. But what if the lumberjack never knew that he could turn the chainsaw on? Or that he cut down 1,000 trees when he needed just one specific tree? Not quite the ideal way to use the tools Read more »

5 Product Design Tips: Making Your App Sticky From the Start

BY Soyun Kim on October 9, 2017

The consumer buying journey is changing, yet today’s product design doesn’t always reflect this. In the past, consumers typically read product reviews and bought the product that most reflected what they wanted. Products were simple, with a few buttons and straightforward directions. Today however, many products are accompanied by an app, which affects this buying Read more »