The Seven Best Ways to Screw Up Your User Research

BY Andrew Harder on July 12, 2017

Understanding your user’s problems is one of the most important things to do when making a new product. But it’s all too easy to make simple mistakes that completely screw up your user research. In this talk, I mined my experience, picked the top seven mistakes I’ve made over the years, and shared insights on lessons Read more »

Launching Complex Products in International Markets

BY Jess Lane on February 1, 2017

Christian Miccio (VP Product at First Data) and Kana Butkovic (Programme Director at First Data) set out a detailed strategy for launching physical products on an international scale. How do you manage return policies within a delivery supply chain that stretches across several countries? To what extent is your business model governed by local regulations? Read more »

Limiting costs and waste when developing digital products

BY Milos Peluffo on February 2, 2016

Reid Hoffman once remarked, “As the networked age has increased the competitive importance of speed, the key secret is now scaling up at speed.” In other words, the internet has enabled consumers to rapidly and easily access and assess new technologies that in turn become exponentially more valuable via network effects. It’s therefore more important Read more »